Doman(?) | 37 Years old by Endwalker

The Red Lycoris of Willow House, Silvane was known as the Warrior of Light with a reserved demeanor, often stern when it comes to her job and the safety of those she cares about. She tends to don a mask while interacting with strangers or those she intends to keep an arm's length away, which is, in many cases, everyone else until you gain her trust. She has the tendency to put blames on herself and has issues forming attachments beyond respectful acquaintances.

Silvane is a short Elezen female with long, red hair. She tends to dress in Eastern clothes, preferring them more than Western corsets. She would rarely choose modest clothing otherwise. Her right eye is an unnatural scarlet with her ears pointed downwards.

Bisexual | She/Her | Open-Relationship

Silvane has a brother she only found out after the events of Endwalker, named Silas Vouix. Depending on the verse, she might also mention a daughter she had with Zenos and a lover she is seeing named Proteus Mo'at.


Her Story

Early Life

Silvane had very little memories of when she was a child after going through the torment of what had happened later on. While she knows that she grows up in Doma, she could not recall her parents nor the reason why they were so far away from Ishgard or Eorzea, where Elezens are usually found.She also remembers growing up in a school, studying the art and skills of a Ninja to assist in the fight against the Garleans when she was older. When not found studying or sparing, Silvane remembers being in the paddy fields or orchards, helping the farm and assisting with the livestock. Life as she remembers before the change was calm, peaceful and simple.

Growing Up

When she was of-age, Silvane joined the rebellion against the Garleans to free her village and Doma, but failed and was captured by the Imperial. Used as bait against a primal, she was shielded from the tamper when her echo awakened at the same time.Seeing that she survived and was not tampered, Silvane was imprisoned by the Garleans for the study of Echo, forced to endure grueling experiements and torture that almost break her sanity and self.She held on to Zenos at that time as an anchor, believing the prince to be able to save her from the pain and the torture, though he was more interested in pushing her limits (Emotionally, physically and sexually) all for the sake of the research on the Echo.She would've been too broken if not for the man who rescued her and brought her to Eorzea.


While she knows very little of her savior, she knows that he has connections to the Scions as their illusive informant. She in turn also helps the Scions with the power of her echo and runs errands around Eorzea in exchange for money and information.She also helps her rescuer, whom she now calls her 'master' with their Tea-House, gathering information she overhears and passing it to him. Obsessed with her affection for him, she had in many instances also helped him with assassinations and tasks too incomprehensible and inhumane.She can be found in the master's Tea-house in Ul'dah or her own place in Mist, a house that her master had given her to rest and recuperate when they first arrive.


After Dark

When intimacy is involved, Silvane rarely gives up control to others, even if she prefers to take the bottom role. For Silvane, sex is just an exchange with no strings involved, even if she finds herself easily enjoying the pleasure it gives.She does not like to be handled with gentleness, faltering when it comes to others caring for her and shrinking away from kindness and care. Watch out though, the more she gets comfortable with you, the more she will allow herself to be bratty around you.

Bisexual (F/M) | She/Her | Open-Relationship


Origin Unknown | 27 Years old by Endwalker

Silas is a haughty man who, if given the chance will go an extra mile for anyone who showed him any slight bit of kindness or care. He values his 'friendships' greatly, even if they might be toxic or twisted. To people whom he looks up to (Or is interested in), he might appear shy at the start until he gets comfortable with the person or situation..even if he pretends he is not.Silas enjoys reading fiction and some non-fiction, though whether he uses that knowledge or not is up for debate. He tend to cling to his relationships very quickly and can be fiercely loyal, even if it is for the wrong side. He is also materialistic, sinking a lot of effort and energy into his appearance and preservation of his youth and beauty, not that he has trouble believing that he is beautiful(debatable).

Silas is a short Elezen male with red hair and bronze eyes. He pays alot of attention to his appearance, preferring look over comfort. He wears mostly Western or Garlean clothes. While he is addicted to certain narcotics that keeps him half sober, he hates the smell of cigarette a lot.

Gay (M) | He/Him | Single

Silas is the younger brother of Silvane. He does not like her and has hated her his entire life.


His Story

Early Life

Silas was born in Doma as the youngest son to the Vouix couple, a pair of scientists traveling through Doma from Sharlayan. The couple was rounded by Garleans during their occupation and made to work for them to research the Echo. They were soon found to be involved with the Doman rebellion and were executed soon after. While Silvane, his sister manages to escape, he is left behind as he was too young. Abandoned, Silas was shipped and sold into a Garlemald entertainment house where he grew up as a servant.

As he stepped into adulthood, soldiers of the Empire will notice his resemblance to the Warrior of Light and gradually abused for it. He grew to resent his sister while also turning the abuse into favors and pleasure, selling his body to those who want 'relief' from the 'horrors' his sister caused from the other side of the war, clawing his way up to the top, refusing to live in his sister's shadow.

In the events of Endwalker, Silas had used the chaos to turn against his master, Lucien, and stabbed him repeatedly, though he has very little recollection of the event, recalling only how when he came to, he was in a pool of blood and Lucien was 'dead' before him.


Silas was discovered as a survivor by the Scions in Garlemald after the Empire fell. His identity was quickly discovered due to his likeness to his sister and he was soon brought back to Sharlayan. While he is extremely hateful of his sister, he is also eager to prove himself better than his sister. Though he is not versed in fights, he is knowledgable, finding solace in books and reading. He would eventually pick up a pistol for self-defense, though he isn't completely versed in using it.He soon left his sister's care (for obvious reason) and traveled to Eorzea to find a name for himself, though, he can't seem to stay out of trouble. He can be found prowling social venues for a chance to get high or a good fuck.



His know-it-all attitude is a mask that melts the second he's caught off guard. He can appear to be reserved in new and unfamiliar places. Approach and talk to him, you will know if he is interested in you or not just by the way he speaks. If he stutters, chances are...he's interested in you.

He tends to find places that are not too crowded to hang out in. Usually, he can be found in adult spaces or venues that offer companionship or narcotics to feed his addiction...though most of the time he can be found in the corner wither watching the people or scrolling his tombstone. He is not great in approaching people in unfamiliar vanues.

Silas will be very empathetic to anyone who show signs of being a victim of the Garlean Empire. He finds comfort in knowing others who had went through the same pain he did in Garlemald, even if the other does not show the same interest towards him. He will always have a soft spot for such people.


After Dark

Silas enjoys being submissive and bratty, enjoying sex as a past-time. He tends to cling to his partner(s) and is fiercely loyal if they show him just a slight bit of care or kindness. He usually wants to be the center of attention and could get easily jealous if he is sidelined or pushed away.

Silas likes both soft and hard treatments, uncaring as long as he is showered with attention.

Gay (M) | He/Him | Single


Azim Steppe | 21 Years old by ARR

Saran is a reserved girl but can easily go off if it is a topic she is interested in. She has a liking for anything shiny, gathering (or stealing) gold, coins, jewelry, gemstones for anything of that sort. She tends to have trust issues and is also stubborn when it comes to her needs and wants. Saran is also sensitive to sunlight and cannot be in direct contact or her skin will blister and burn easily. She seems to jump between emotions very easily, sometimes even appearing with an entirely different personality when facing different people.

Saran is a Xaela with pearlescent skin that is sensitive to light. She dresses in tight dark clothes and keeps her hair short or cropped. She has eyes of dark blue with downward horns, sharp eyes, and a petite figure.

Bisexual | She/Her | Open-Relationship

Saran comes from the tribe of Kagon in the Azim Steppe who are known for their nocturnal lifestyle.

Early Life

Saran was born to the Moon priestess of the Kagon tribe, a nocturnal Xaela tribe that worships the moon goddess. As the daughter of the priestess, she was fated to be the next priestess and was raised in solitude and isolation to prepare her for her future life, away from people and other children, often revered as the priestess, never really having a chance to interact or have a normal childhood.

Growing Up

At 16, Saran was brought into a cave under the tribe, oblivious that it was her last time seeing the surface. She was soon after locked in that cave with no contact with the outside world to live her life as the Moon Priestess. However, the darkness, lack of contact, and fresh air soon drove her insane, and she soon managed to break her way out of the cave. She proceeds to burn her entire tribe down before managing to find her way into Eorzea.


Saran was later taken into the witches coven in Limsa Lominsa, continuing her study of Arcane outside of the vice grip of her clan. She tends to be quite a little thief, sometimes pick-pocketing when she could from strangers or stealing anything she liked. Saran is also deathly afraid of closed doors or enclosed, stuffy spaces.She can be found in the witches's house or Limsa Lominsa, occasionally also in various venus.


After Dark

Saran is fairly new to intimacy, having been use for reproduction instead of pleasure back in her tribe, she knows very little and is extremely curious in the act itself. However, it takes a degree of trust for her to sleep with someone.

Saran enjoys soft starts that goes over to rougher treatments, she is very experimental and likes finding new things to enjoy. Her skin is more sensitive than others, making her more reactive to touches and impact.

Bisexual (F/M) | She/Her | Open-Relationship

Alointe Dracouix

Ishgard | 46 Years old by Endwalker

A General, swordsman and lancer in the Dragonsong war, Alointe gained the title of Baron after the dust had settled and went on living as an adventurer/bounty hunter in Eorzea with his wife and son. His wife passed in a tragic hostage situation before the events in Endwalker, leaving him a mourning husk.

Alointe is an elezen who has dark hair with frosted tips, a trait passed in his family only unique to his bloodline. He appears cold and loves to play devil's advocate at times. He is a man of few words and appears formal and polite, though is just awkward when it comes to small talk, preferring to just be by himself in social situations.

Heterosexual (F) | He/Him | Widowed | Dom/Top

Alointe was married to Ivory (Mourne) Dracouix and father to Helios Dracouix. He is also sister to Lilith (Dracoiux) Mo'at.

A'xel Xori

Ul'dahn | 24 Years old by ARR

A'xel is a cunning and calculative man, enjoying the most sinister of pleasures and sin, giving very little out when it comes to his internal feelings and thoughts. He enjoys toying with others but also gets jealous very quickly when it comes to anything he assumes as 'his own'. He appears to be playful at times, having 'cat zoomies' when he is in a good mood. A'xel has a problem with sensation, as such having trouble when it comes to pain and touch. He runs a drug, entertainment, and slavery ring between the borders of Foundation.

A'xel is a dark-skinned sunseeker miqote with dark ginger hair and a tattooed body. He tends to not like wearing shirts or shoes, preferring to run around only in his pants.

Pansexual (F/M/?) | He/Him | Single

A'xel has a younger sister, A'lia Xori whom she cherishes greatly, though the feeling is not mutual.

A'xel Xori

After Dark

A'xel enjoys extreme pleasures and sex, preferring rough plays and giving very little care to whoever he is sleeping with. He generally fucks for pleasure and amusement, finding joy in pushing for reactions and expressions.

A'xel likes to both receive and give, and in the roughest possible way. As his sensations are muted, he can only feel if it was done with heavier hands.

Pansexual (F/M/?) | He/Him | Single

Rinne Chouko

??? | ??? Years old by ARR

Rinne is whimsical and melancholy, often found humming or singing quietly to herself as she dances softly or skips lightly in her step. She seems to be surrounded by butterflies all the time, though from where? We don't know. She will get strangely attached to people or things that she likes, getting obsessive or possessive at times.

Rinne has pale skin with pastel pink hair. Her eyes are in the same shade of her hair and she seems to adore flowers and butterflies alot, decorating herself with them whenever she can.

Pansexual (F/M/?) | She/Her | Single

OOC Information

Admin details

Welcome, and well met. My name is Silv, but you can call me with the name of my characters and I will still respond. I enjoy organizing events and writing, long-form roleplays on Discord, and building stories and world-building. I am not looking for a relationship unless an intent is clearly stated. Please understand I am reserved by nature and awkward, I have trouble approaching people.

30+ years old | Bisexual | Cis-gendered Female | Open-Relationship

I enjoy building relationships between character, though I will not shy away from more adult stories. My favorite kinks are brat-taming, sensory play, edging and restriction. I like non-consensual storylines as well, but these will require a degree of communication and trust.

Paragraph-Literature Writing | Third-Person POV favoured

When writing with me please:-

Alternate UniverseI roleplay a lot of alternate universes with my characters. Plot lines of characters might or might not be parallel. We can always discuss before hand!
CommunicateI do not know what you are thinking. Please feel free to talk to me whenever. I am chronically online and will always reply whenever I am able.
Understand my boundaries.Me and my characters are two separate beings. Do not treat me like I am my character or assume our relationship is the same. My character sleeping with you does not mean I want to do the same to you in-real-life.
Adults OnlyI do not roleplay with minors. If you are not 19 and above, it is best to not interact with the intention of roleplaying.
I am not exclusiveI write with others as well, including my partner in-real-life. If you want exclusivity and are possessive over me, I will not continue our interaction.
Discord or In-Game RPI do enjoy both Discord and in-game roleplay. Please feel free to send me a dm if you are interested.